Saturday, December 5, 2009

[Java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10 - ls Pls help me to solve


I've started learning Java and creating small programs and compiling on my own using EditPlus Editor and Command Prompt.
No doubt, my prorgram will tell you I'm a beginner.

javac was successful.

When I fire java Temperature I got the follwoing error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10
        at Temperature.main(

I can see my "if clause" compares the values in the first row from the Print staements. After that it's throwing error. Somebody please help me to find out and fix this error.

Thanks in advance

Program Starts
class Temperature
//To get the RowNum, ColumnNum of the highest and lowest teperature from the array temperature
 public static void main(String[] args)
  double temp;
  int maxDay = 0, maxCityCode = 0, minDay, minCityCode;
  double temperature [ ][ ] = {
  { 25.00, 24.50, 23.00, 23.50, 24.00, 24.50, 25.00, 25.50, 26.00, 26.50 },
  { 23.00, 24.00, 25.00, 26.00, 27.00, 28.00, 29.00, 30.00, 31.00, 32.00 },
  { 21.00, 23.00, 24.00, 23.50, 25.00, 25.00, 23.00, 26.00, 27.00, 30.00 },
  { 24.00, 23.67, 25.00, 24.33, 26.33, 26.33, 23.67, 27.67, 29.00, 33.00 },
  { 23.50, 23.92, 25.50, 24.33, 26.83, 26.58, 22.67, 27.92, 29.50, 34.75 },
  { 23.90, 24.17, 26.00, 24.33, 27.33, 26.83, 21.67, 28.17, 30.00, 36.50 },
  { 24.30, 24.42, 26.50, 24.33, 27.83, 27.08, 20.67, 28.42, 30.50, 38.25 },
  { 24.70, 24.67, 27.00, 24.33, 28.33, 27.33, 19.67, 28.67, 31.00, 40.00 },
  { 25.10, 24.92, 27.50, 24.33, 28.83, 27.58, 18.67, 28.92, 31.50, 41.75 },
  { 25.50, 25.17, 28.00, 24.33, 29.33, 27.83, 17.67, 29.17, 32.00, 43.50 },
  { 25.90, 25.42, 28.50, 24.33, 29.83, 28.08, 16.67, 29.42, 32.50, 45.25 },
  { 26.30, 25.67, 29.00, 24.33, 30.33, 28.33, 15.67, 29.67, 33.00, 47.00 },
  { 26.70, 25.92, 29.50, 24.33, 30.83, 28.58, 14.67, 29.92, 33.50, 48.75 },
  { 27.10, 26.17, 30.00, 24.33, 31.33, 28.83, 13.67, 30.17, 34.00, 50.50 },
  { 27.50, 26.42, 30.50, 24.33, 31.83, 29.08, 12.67, 30.42, 34.50, 52.25 },
  { 27.90, 26.67, 31.00, 100.00, 32.33, 29.33, 11.67, 30.67, 35.00, 54.00 },
  { 28.30, 26.92, 31.50, 24.33, 32.83, 29.58, 10.67, 30.92, 35.50, 55.75 },
  { 28.70, 27.17, 32.00, 24.33, 33.33, 29.83, 9.67, 31.17, 36.00, 57.50 },
  { 29.10, 27.42, 32.50, 24.33, 33.83, 30.08, 8.67, 31.42, 36.50, 59.25 },
  { 29.50, 27.67, 33.00, 24.33, 34.33, 30.33, 7.67, 31.67, 37.00, 61.00 },
  { 29.90, 27.92, 33.50, 24.33, 34.83, 30.58, 6.67, 31.92, 37.50, 62.75 },
  { 30.30, 28.17, 34.00, 24.33, 35.33, 30.83, 5.67, 32.17, 38.00, 64.50 },
  { 30.70, 28.42, 34.50, 24.33, 35.83, 31.08, 4.67, 32.42, 38.50, 66.25 },
  { 31.10, 28.67, 35.00, 24.33, 36.33, 31.33, 3.67, 32.67, 39.00, 68.00 },
  { 31.50, 28.92, 35.50, 24.33, 36.83, 31.58, 2.67, 32.92, 39.50, 69.75 },
  { 31.90, 29.17, 36.00, 24.33, 37.33, 31.83, 1.67, 33.17, 40.00, 71.50 },
  { 32.30, 29.42, 36.50, 24.33, 37.83, 32.08, 0.67, 33.42, 40.50, 73.25 },
  { 32.70, 29.67, 37.00, 24.33, 38.33, 32.33, -0.33, 33.67, 41.00, 75.00 },
  { 33.10, 29.92, 26.73, 24.33, 38.83, 32.58, -1.33, 33.92, 41.50, 76.75 },
  { 33.50, 30.17, 26.83, 24.33, 39.33, 32.83, -2.33, 34.17, 42.00, 78.50 },
  { 33.90, 30.42, 26.93, 24.33, 39.83, 33.08, -3.33, 34.42, 42.50, 80.25 }
  for (int i=0; i<31; i++)
   for (int j=0; j<10; j++)
    System.out.println("temp =" + temperature[i][j] + " , " + temperature[i][j+1]);
    if (temperature[i][j] < temperature[i][j+1])
     temp = temperature[i][j];
     temperature[i][j] = temperature[i][j+1];
     temperature[i][j+1] = temp;
     maxDay = i+1;
     maxCityCode = j+1;
     minDay = 1;
     minCityCode = j+2;
    System.out.println("Next Value");
  System.out.println("Maximum Temperature on Day" + maxDay);
  System.out.println("Maximum Temperature on City" + maxCityCode);
Program Ends
Output in command Prompt

F:\UDX\Sample_Java_Programs>java Temperature
temp =25.0 , 24.5
Next Value
temp =24.5 , 23.0
Next Value
temp =23.0 , 23.5
Next Value
temp =23.0 , 24.0
Next Value
temp =23.0 , 24.5
Next Value
temp =23.0 , 25.0
Next Value
temp =23.0 , 25.5
Next Value
temp =23.0 , 26.0
Next Value
temp =23.0 , 26.5
Next Value
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10
        at Temperature.main(

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