Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Re: [LINUX_Newbies] Need some help with some stuff that involves Firefox 3.5, PcLinuxOS LXDE 2009.4 and Yahoo


On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 22:40, Joan Leach <> wrote:
> Happy Holidays,
> What causes webpages to look weird in Firefox, but look OK in Opera?  My friend designed his
> MyYahoo webpage and now it looks weird in Firefox.  Plus looks a bit
> different, too.

What Scott said. What do you mean, by "a bit different" though...
Most cases, it's a standards compliance thing, OR it's a
non-compliance thing. For example... things designed using all those
IIS and MS Specific techniques generally look like ASS inside anything
other than IE.

> Should I compare the source from Firefox and Yahoo of the same webpage to see what's
> different?

As for this, I don't understand what you mean by "compare the source
from Firefox and Yahoo of the same web page". The source is the
source is the source, and really should not be different regardless of
browser you view it in. That's DIFFERENT from saying the page will
render the same way across browsers though... just that if you visit in IE, Firefox and Opera you may SEE the site looking
differently, but if you look at the HTML source code they should
"GENERALLY" all be identical. I say generally, though, because there
are some ways to change how a page looks based on the browser string.
For example, I had a simple bit of code for a while that would add a
"Get Firefox" display box to every page in my website when the browser
string returned as Internet Explorer.

There are some I've seen where if you view in IE you'll get redirected
to a page that says "Please view this only in Firefox" and vice versa
(especially Vice Versa...). I've seen MANY business websites (not so
many recently as in the past though) that would refuse you if you were
using anything BUT IE.... banks and credit card companies were famous
for this.

So a lot of how a given page will look is entirely dependent on how
it's served up too. If I have a static HTML page on the web, it could
look identical in any browser, or it could look completely different
across browsers simply because each one will treat the tags and
formatting differently.

HOWEVER, if my web pages are being served up dynamically, you could
conceivably get one that uses tables in one browser, CSS in another
browser, and a blank "get bent" page for another browser.

Sadly, that's about all I can offer though. Since you said that your
friend is using Yahoo MyPages, it could very well be, and my guess IS,
the fault of whatever Yahoo is using to serve up the actual code. I
get the feeling from your description that your friend used an online
GUI web page editor, and who knows what THAT did to the code...

As for distrowatch... it's using some sort of CMS (or a WHOLE LOT of
CSS) though I don't know what, but displays pretty much identically
for me using IE 6 and FF 3.5.6 on a windows system. I don't have a
linux system here at work that's on the external LAN so I can't
comment on that. Google Chrome I couldnt even get to
connect to ANY site, so that one is out as well...




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