This message tells you that there is no class named first.class.
1- source code
class First // no public and capital letter F
2- save source code in file named first.java // note small letter f
3- compile it
4- output of compilation will be First.class // capital F as source code not small f as file name
5- so , you must use capital Letter "java First" because there is no file named first.class with small f
also, if you want make a class pulbic you must name the file as source code with capital F
also, only one class in the same file can be made public
--- On Sun, 4/25/10, krunal bhatt <bhatt.krunal@
From: krunal bhatt <bhatt.krunal@
Subject: [Java] NoClassDefFoundErro
To: Java_Official@
Date: Sunday, April 25, 2010, 6:58 AM
Hello friends,
i installed jdk1.6.5_05 and jre1.6.5_05 in my system and just to check
whether the installation is ok or not i wrote a simple "Hello World". When i
compile it using javac , it shows no error but when i run the program i get
the following error.
D:\projects\ Java_Projects> *javac first.java*
D:\projects\ Java_Projects> *java first*
*Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDe fFoundError: first
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotF oundException: first
at java.net.URLClassLo ader$1.run( Unknown Source)
at java.security. AccessController .doPrivileged( Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLo ader.findClass( Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoad er.loadClass( Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$ AppClassLoader. loadClass( Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoad er.loadClass( Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoad er.loadClassInte rnal(Unknown Source)
*D:\projects\ Java_Projects>
please provide solution for this..
Krunal Bhatt
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