Thursday, March 25, 2010

[LINUX_Newbies] Re: Firefox update ???


To All: thanks much for writing.

I guess my posts to the yahoo group are being delayed since I'm new.

My guy-friend actually ordered the netbook for me from Tiger direct about 18 mos. ago. He has not had the time to help me address the fact that Firefox 2.0 is no longer supported and I assume any day now I'll be up the crick without a paddle if I don't migrate NOW.

Anyway, all the communication with you folks at LINUX_newbies has taught me that to Acer, $390 of my money was not enough for them to have respect for me, I feel as if they view this netbook with about as much respect as they would give a tracfone that they expect me to toss in the trash or donate to a recycle place after a short amount of time.

And then they expect I'll cough up four hundred bucks for another one.

Helloooo ???

No thanks.

I'll check back after work this evening. If the best answer for me is that I'd best leave this alone and not try to make any changes for fear I'll crash it sooner than it's inevitable crash that I sense is headed my way, then I'll chalk this up to yet again learning something the hard way.

At that point my question will be, "what laptop do you all recommend?"

Thank you all again for your kindly assistance.

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