Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[LINUX_Newbies] Re: New to group with QUESTION


--- In LINUX_Newbies@yahoogroups.com, "fred_lieberman" <quartz@...> wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Fred. I am 68 and I live upstate NY.
> I can only access the internet using dial-up.
> I want to switch from using Windows XP to Ubuntu.
> My ISP will not help me as they quote unquote: do not support that product.
> MAJOR ISSUE - How do I access the internet using Ubuntu regardless of my ISP, while remaining on dial-up.
> One of the members of the Yahoo Ubuntu group suggested this group with the hope you may be able to solve my problem.
> 1) Where I live, high speed internet is not available outside of satellite.
> 2) My desktop (2004 - XP) developed issues some of which I cleared up, some I have yet to clear up, some I do not trust on the machine.
> 3) Months ago, I installed Ubuntu 10.04.1 (dual boot) from a CD (DVD unit not working).
> I cannot dial out into the internet.
> The CD I used came without a dial-up software so I cannot use Ubuntu to dial out.
> 1) I installed the modem software.
> 2) I found the Terminal and configured a connection using - pppconfig.
> 3) Again, on the Terminal, I entered the command - sudo adduser YOURNAMEHERE dip - successfully.
> 4) When I tried to enter - sudo adduser YOURNAMEHERE dialout - it said I did not have to do it.
> 5) I tried to use - pon comcast - to access the internet and got nowhere.
> So, I tried another route. I downloaded Gnome ppp to a thumb drive but could not install it because WV Dial was not in the machine. I found WV Dial, but there were four versions. Do I assume the ppp version is the correct one or do I need all four versions. To install any of the four requires about 10 programs which should be on the machine.
> 1) Is there a solution that works or should I abandon this process?
> 2) Is Mepis a better program to work with because it is US based and for that reason has a dial-up program already installed on it?
> I appreciate all the help I can get.
> Fred

This is going back a ways when I used to setup Linux for dial up but this is how I used to do it. First you need a real terminal program, not something like xterm but something like minicom.

Then you have to figure out exactly what it takes in order to establish a network connection manually through that to your ISP.

Armed with that knowledge then you can setup your CHAT and PAP scripts to automatically connect you to the Internet. pppsetup was a great help to me for doing all of that but I think only version 1.61 really worked for me.

Yes it is all rather a pain and maybe there are sometimes easier ways of doing it but this is the established sure fire way of not operating blindly.

I sort of remember AT&F1 being one modem command string that helped in all of this. This is all going back over 10 years so it is all hazy to me today.

This should explain the process in more depth


Good luck.

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