Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Re: [Java] Spring/MVC/JBoss XML files


Dear David,

of course you can include many .xml files within context file by adding this
line below:

<import resource="engine.xml"/>
<import resource="mq.xml"/>
<import resource="mapper.xml"/>
<import resource="dao.xml"/>

Thank you,

Ahmed Nabil Hosny

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 5:16 AM, David Kramer <david@thekramers.net> wrote:

> Hi. I'm going through the APress book Spring Recipes. I'm up to the
> Jave EE MVC part and need a little guidance with the XML files.
> I understand the web.xml, now there's also the $APPNAME-servlet.xml.
> The book says you should have separate xml files for each layer, like
> $APPNAME-persistence.xml and $APPNAME-service.xml.
> I see you get it to load the main one by adding the
> ContextLoaderListener and contextConfigurationLocation sections to
> web.xml, but it's not clear how you load other xml files. Can someone
> explain how that works, and what's supposed to be in $APPNAME-servlet.xml?
> Maybe I should ask the question by stating my theory. So
> $APPNAME-servlet.xml will be loaded automatically by Spring, and I can
> load one other using the context stuff in web.xml. Is there a way to
> include one bean.xml file from another? So let's say my DAOs and domain
> beans are already defined in beans.xml. Is there something I can put in
> beans.xml to have it include $APPNAME-service.xml,
> $APPNAME-persistence.xml, etc?
> The book is actually quite inconsistent with its own examples in this
> regards, so some guidance would be a big help.
> Thanks.

Ahmed Nabil Hosny

Senior Application Developer

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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