Thursday, May 6, 2010

[Java] plz help me to do this java


1.Arrays [
rowSum Write a program that read in 16 values from the keyboard and store
them into a two dimension array (myArray). The program then calculate
the sum of every row elements and every column elements an put this sum into elements
of two arrays (one for the rows – rowSum and the other for columns- colSum-see
Figure1 below) ,then the program print the three arrays.

3 4 5 6


16 … … …

2. ArrayList
You are to write a simple names book program. A
names book contains names of your friends. Store your names book as an
ArrayList with entries contains strings that represent the names. Your program
must tell you how many friends you have and which one of them has the longest
3. Inheritance
and draw the UML class diagram of a set
of classes that define the employees of a Hospital, the classes are:
HospitalPerson , Doctor andNurse.
Where HospitalPerson is a supper class, Doctor andNurse are subclasses.

Design your classes to satisfy the following requirements:
1. Each HospitalPerson has a name and an idNumber.
2. A Doctor has
in addition a specialty attribute, while a Nurse has a
maxDutyHours attribute.
3. We want to have a special print (output information) as
The name and idNumber of a HospitalPerson works for the Hospital.
The specialty of a Doctor.
The maxDutyHours of a Nurse.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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