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We won't do this for your own good. :-)
-Java Guy
On 5/6/2010 8:43 AM, ياوووورد wrote:
> 1-Arrays
> Write a program that read in 16 values from the keyboard and store
> them into a two dimension array (myArray). The program then calculate
> the sum of every row elements and every column elements an put this
> sum into elements of two arrays (one for the rows – rowSum and the
> other for columns- colSum ) ,then the program print the three arrays.
> 2-ArrayList class
> You are to write a simple names book program. A names book contains
> names of your friends. Store your names book as an ArrayList with
> entries contains strings that represent the names. Your program must
> tell you how many friends you have and which one of them has the
> longest name.
> 3-Inheritance
> Design and draw the UML class diagram of a set of classes that define
> the employees of a Hospital, the classes are:
> HospitalPerson , Doctor and Nurse.
> Where HospitalPerson is a supper class, Doctor and Nurse are subclasses.
> Design your classes to satisfy the following requirements:
> 1. Each HospitalPerson has a name and an idNumber.
> 2. A Doctor has in addition a specialty attribute, while a Nurse has a
> maxDutyHours attribute.
> 3. We want to have a special print (output information) as following:
> a. The name and idNumber of a HospitalPerson works for the Hospital.
> b. The specialty of a Doctor.
> c. The maxDutyHours of a Nurse.
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