Saturday, April 14, 2012

[LINUX_Newbies] Changing PATH environment after manual TexLive 2011 installation on Debian


Hi all,

I need help with setting up my PATH environments on Debian Testing (Wheezy) after I manually installed TexLive 2011. In Debian's repositories (Testing) there is only TexLive 2009 available and I need an up-to-date moderncv.cls class file for writing a specific document. So I decided to upgrade TexLive to the unstable version (TexLive 2011). Unfortunately the moderncv.cls file is also missing there. On the German Tex mailinglist I was adviced to manually install TexLive 2011, which has the files I need. Debian's TexLive package is rather incomplete. They generally advice to install TexLive by hand on Linux system and not rely on package-management in this regard.

Removing the Debian TexLive is not really an option as my favorite LaTeX-Editor 'Kile' depends on it.

The installation finished (Tested via command line, it works there!) the installer told me to change my PATH environment settings accordingly:

Add /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/doc/man to MANPATH, if not dynamically determined.

Add /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/doc/info to INFOPATH.

Most importantly, add /usr/local/texlive/2010/bin/x86_64-linux to your PATH for current and future

Now I'm somewhat confused as to where to put these lines. I am the only user on my home PC (If you do not count Root as a user in his own right), so the settings do not necessarily have to be system-wide. Some websites told me to put

in /etc/profile

Others to put it into my own .profile. Still others said it should be either in /bash.bashrc or

I got a little confused here.

Ubuntu's German wiki advises against all the proposed solutions, and wants me to add these lines to /etc/environment. This file does not exist yet on my Debian system and I have not found any information so far, whether one should create such a file first. Although as to what I have read /etc/environment, at least on Ubuntu, should exist and have already some lines relating PATH variables in it.

My GUI LaTeX editors still use Debian's own TexLive packages, not the manually installed ones and do not let me write the document as the aforementioned file is missing. I logged out after each change, and as that did not help I did a full reboot.

Could you give some advice where to set the PATH environment? This should also be set for GUI programs.

For the time being I would like to avoid the rough&dirty workaround of symlinking the default TexLive folders with the ones I have installed by hand.

Thanks a lot for your help,


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