Saturday, February 6, 2010

[Java] lets discuss


Need help making a java program that calculates a parking fee based of the type of vehicle and how long it has been in the parking lot

Car $0.00/hour first 3 hours $1.50/hour after the first 3 hours
Truck $1.00/hour first 2 hours $2.50/hour after the first 2 hours
Bus $2.00/hour first hour $3.75/hour after the first hour

so far

I did this way 2 class pembaca.class and menuA.class

in menuA.class which is main()


class menuA


public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException

char menu;
int hourin=0, minutin=0, hourout=0, minutout=0;
Pembaca read = new Pembaca();

System.out.println("Please use capital letter");
System.out.print("Input b for Bus\n"
+"input c for car\n"
+"input t for Truck\n"
+"Type of Vehicle? =");
menu =' ';
menu = read.bacaChar();
while((menu!='C') && (menu!='T' )&& (menu!='B')) // validation rule for input...
System.out.print("Please key in Type of Vehicle That Listed above?\n");
menu = read.bacaChar();

System.out.println("Hour vehicle entered lot (0-23)? ");
hourin = read.bacaInt();
if( (hourin <0) && (hourin > 24) )
System.out.println("Please input value from 0 until 23 only, please giving the right

hourin = read.bacaInt();

System.out.println("Minute vehicle entered lot (0-59)?");
minutin = read.bacaInt();
if ( ( minutin < 0) && ( minutin > 60) )
System.out.println("Please input value from 0 until 59 only");
System.out.println("Hour vehicle left lot (0-23)? ");
hourout = read.bacaInt();

if ( ( hourout < 0) && (hourout > 23) )
System.out.println("Please input value from 0 until 23 only");
hourout = read.bacaInt();
if (hourout < hourin)
System.out.println("please input bigger value then hour vehicle enter" );
hourout = read.bacaInt();

System.out.println("Minute vehicle left lot (0-59)?");
minutout = read.bacaInt();

if( (minutout < 0) && ( minutout > 60 ) )
System.out.println("Please input value from 0 until 59 only");
minutout = read.bacaInt();

int timeh = hourout - hourin;
int timem = minutin - minutout;

System.out.print("PARKING LOT CHARGE");


System.out.print("Type of vehicle: Car or Bus or Truck"+ menu) ;

System.out.print("TIME-IN "+hourin+":" + minutin);
System.out.print("TIME-OUT "+hourout+":"+ minutout);
System.out.print(" ----------------------------------");
System.out.print("PARKING TIME " + timeh + ":" + timem);
System.out.print("ROUNDED TOTAL : XX");
System.out.print(" ----------------------------------");
System.out.print("TOTAL CHARGE RM XX.XX");


} //main

} //class

please advise

the error..
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
if ( ( hourout < 0) && (hourout > 23) )
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
if ( ( hourout < 0) && (hourout > 23) )
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
if ( ( hourout < 0) && (hourout > 23) )
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
if (hourout < hourin)
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ > expected
if (hourout < hourin)
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.println("Minute vehicle left lot (0-59)?");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.println("Minute vehicle left lot (0-59)?");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
minutout = read.bacaInt();
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
if( (minutout < 0) && ( minutout > 60 ) )
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
if( (minutout < 0) && ( minutout > 60 ) )
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
if( (minutout < 0) && ( minutout > 60 ) )
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print("PARKING LOT CHARGE");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print("PARKING LOT CHARGE");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print("Type of vehicle: Car or Bus or Truck"+ menu) ;
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print("Type of vehicle: Car or Bus or Truck"+ menu) ;
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print("TIME-IN "+hourin+":" + minutin);
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print("TIME-IN "+hourin+":" + minutin);
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print("TIME-OUT "+hourout+":"+ minutout);
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print("TIME-OUT "+hourout+":"+ minutout);
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print(" ----------------------------------");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print(" ----------------------------------");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print("PARKING TIME " + timeh + ":" + timem);
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print("PARKING TIME " + timeh + ":" + timem);
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print("ROUNDED TOTAL : XX");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print("ROUNDED TOTAL : XX");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print(" ----------------------------------");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print(" ----------------------------------");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ <identifier> expected
System.out.print("TOTAL CHARGE RM XX.XX");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ illegal start of type
System.out.print("TOTAL CHARGE RM XX.XX");
C:\Users\ahazman\java\ class, interface, or enum expected
} //main
32 errors

Process completed.

even though system still can run... what is wrong?

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