Thursday, April 17, 2014

[LINUX_Newbies] Re: Java FX in Ubuntu


> I actually have 3 files:
> JRE-7u55-Linux-x64.tar.gz
> JRE-7u55-Linux-x64.rpm
> JRE-7u51-Linux-x64.rpm

> I wasnt sure which one was right, so downloaded all 3. There are
other folders around them that came along for the ride...

If you are running Ubuntu, you can delete the two rpm files. Background:
There are two package handling
systems that are most common in Linux. RPM stands for RedHat Package
Manager (I think). The other is DEB which I think derives from the name
of the Debian distro with no particular meaning. Ubuntu is based on
Debian so I would not use RPM packages like the two above.

As for the file JRE-7u55-Linux-x64.tar.gz that is fairly straight
forward to install. If you are the only user
on the Linux system, you may install this as your user name. For any
other case, please let me know and I
will correct these instructions for setting up for anyone on the machine.

1. Pull up a terminal. Someone used to Ubuntu's interface might have to
tell you how to get a
terminal. I quit Ubuntu when they came out with what I consider an
inferior, tablet style user interface.
2. The terminal should come up by default in your home directory. You
can check
this by typing "pwd" without quotes and pressing the <Enter> key.
3. The place where you downloaded the JRE file would likely be in the
directory "Downloads" off your
home directory. For example, my home directory is /home/loybarb. My
downloads go into
4. Assuming that your environment is similar, from your home directory
(ex /home/loybarb) type the
following command:

tar -xvzf Downloads/JRE-7u55-Linux-x64.tar.gz

The file is a tar (from the original meaning of Tape ARchive) file
compressed with gzip. The -xvzf part of the
command means in order
-x extract a tar
-v verbose screen output
-z uncompress gzip file before extracting
-f the following "word" is a file name, in this case
This will create a directory "jre1.7.0_55" under your home directory.
We are not done quite yet.
5. Normally, Ubuntu will set up your terminal shell program as BASH. As
such there is a startup script
in your home directory called .bash_profile (someone correct me if I am
wrong). You need to edit this
file and add a couple of lines at bottom of this file.
6. I would suggest typing "gedit .bash_profile" without quotes from the
terminal. Please note the "." in front
of bash_profile. That is not a typo. I am assuming that gedit is
installed by default on Ubuntu. If the
.bash_profile file does not exist, you will get an empty file which is fine.
7. At the bottom of the file (or at the top if this is a new file) enter
the command:

export JAVA_HOME=/home/<user>/jre1.7.0_55
where <user> is your user name. For me, that would be "export

8. After that line, enter the command:

export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Note: There are a couple of reasons that even if you do everything
correct, you might still fail:
1. Very few Java applications are written for 64 bit AND
2. What you have downloaded is the latest version of Java.. That sounds
like a good thing. It is not always
a good thing. Java is supposed to be backward compatible. It almost
never is. We may have to get a very
specific version of Java to match the version used by the software's
author. You can determine the version
by checking the version you are using on Windows. Pull up a command
window in Windows. Type

java -version

Please feel free to ask additional questions.

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