Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Re: [LINUX_Newbies] Mint Debian, hijack of "'Re: Debian Lenny..."


When I said that Ubuntu is driving things? By that I was looking forward,
moving to Unity, supporting Compiz which was running out of steam, moving to
Wayland (down the road) and giving it development support, the Software
Centre is becoming the model for the common API that will eventually used by
all big distros (OpenSuSE, Fedora, Ubuntu and others), Notifications.
Developers in Fedora and OpenSuSE are already porting Unity and the
notifications into those distributions and are having some success. Fedora
has already said that eventually they will move to Wayland.

Fedora has always been the one pushing th envelope and that has not changed,
but Ubuntu is making some radical departures and it is getting some

> When you factor
> > in PPAs there is not much that you cannot get pre-compiled for Ubuntu/
> Mint
> > which is another reason why it would be foolish for Mint to switch to
> > Debian. Admitedly, they will likely look as a better alternative compared
> to
> > Debian than Ubuntu, but it is Ubuntu that is driving change and Debian is
> > still playing catch up. Mint has been in Ubuntu's shadow, but it has
> > benefitted from some of the decisions that Canonical has made and it
> could
> > continue to do so.
> I'm not sure of that. Not sure it's wrong either, but there is no
> question that Debian is still one of the leading producers/innovators.
> I really think that were their politics different, and had they been
> more business oriented, they could have gotten the server market owned
> by RH. RH is really more of a desktop twisted into server shape in many
> ways--heavy interdependence on Gnome, things like a very good
> configuration tool being deprecated in favor of its X version, more
> bloat in general, turning on services automatically after installation,
> and the like. Debian is really better suited than RH to being a
> server, IMHO.
Yes, I have had direct experience/ bad luck with Unetbootin and Fedora and
also Mandriva.

> > Unetbootin is no panacea, but it works well with most distributions. I
> find
> > it works better than Ubuntu's Startup Disk Creator, but SDC has
> persistence,
> > if you can get it to work. Unetbootin is cross platform which is a plus
> if
> > you use Windows at all and it can download the latest ISO for you if you
> > have not already done so.
> It's close to a panacea--RH based distros, however, have trouble with
> it. This is probably an anaconda weakness. Ironically, Debian had
> trouble with it for awhile, there was an option that had to be added to
> the boot line or it wouldn't see the USB.
> >
> > As I understand the situation Mint 11 will be based on Ubuntu 11.04, but
> it
> > will likely use the current GNOME and not either Unity or GNOME Shell.
> Mint
> > is playing it cool and taking a wait and see approach about Canonical's
> > aggressive changes. However, Mint Fluxbox is going to be based on Debian
> and
> > become a rolling release. The developer prefers Ubuntu, but it comes down
> to
> > practical use of resources. He also produces PeppermintOS so has his
> hands
> > full.
PeppermintOS is based on Debian and uses Openbox. It is fast but is cloud
based and of limited interest to many.

Ah, I had no idea that those were the same group. Both are nice--my
> preference is actually for fluxbox and openbox (preference changing
> every few months) rather than the more convenient, but resource
> intensive, desktop environments such as Gnome and KDE. Even LXDE, which
> uses openbox as window manager (though it can easily be made to use
> fluxbox) is less convenient for me, after many years of habit.
We live in exciting times. Linux has more change happening in it than on any
other platform or maybe all others together. Android alone has two versions
coming out in the next month, 2.3 and 3.0, one for smartphones and one for
tablets. HP has released WebOS for its own line of tablets and it is
Linux-based with Java. With Fedora and Ubuntu trying to out do each other
for features and improvements to the kernel and now with all of the big
distros talking to make a common package manager (front end), it is hard not
to be smug. ;)


Using Kubuntu 10.10, 64-bit
Location: Canada

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