Sunday, November 1, 2009

Re: [LINUX_Newbies] Linux 9.1 update


Ubuntu is having trouble mounting one or more of your file systems. It could
be that the file system has something irregular that needs to be checked,
possibly do to a hard boot (poweinr down without exiting) or power outage
sometime in the past. It may need to be checked with fsck.

You can try to skip the drive by doing Ctrl-D as suggested if it isn't
critical to getting Ubuntu running. If you have only one drive or partition
then this is not likely the case, but I will mention it in case you have
multiple drives, such as usb drives or keys that could be the guilty party.
If it is a critical file system you can try to run fsck on that drive.

This is not probably something that you feel comfortable doing, but you
don't have a lot of options. You can try to resolve the problem with fsck -y
sdaX with X being the drive number 1, 2, 3 etc. or you can try to re-install
Ubuntu. Nothing ventured nothing gained.


2009/11/1 Atlantean Productions <>

> Hi guys..
> I have a problem with the Linux 9.1 update... After the update files
> downloaded and installed, there was an install error message. I rebooted
> the
> system and got the following message"
> "One or more of the mounts listed can not be mounted. Mount all main
> process 783 terminated with status 1. General error mounting file
> systems maintenance shell will now be started. Ctrl D will terminate and
> retry."
> I've researched the error and found this was a common problem in the first
> release, it's been fixed with updates.
> But.. I'm stuck on a command prompt ----- root@(none):~#
> I'm not as knowledgeable of command prompt usage as I should be. Can you
> guys tell me how to get and install the 9.1 and updates from the command
> prompt? I know it's a get command, but I have no clue what I'm 'getting" or
> from where.
> Thanks!
> Yvette
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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