Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[LINUX_Newbies] Re: Audible internet disconect sound?


Ok, awesome, I got it to work.
(disconnected was spelled wrong and there wasn't some needed spaces in the code, but it work fine now)
Now to get it to play a file of my choice.



while true; do
[ "$(nmcli dev status | grep $IFACE | awk '{print $3'})" == "disconnected" ] && vlc '/home/grant/Desktop/warningredalert.mp3' || echo "STILL CONNECTED"

Seems to work great, now to clean up the code a bit (using your example)



while true; do
[ "$(nmcli dev status | grep $IFACE | awk '{print $3'})" == "disconnected" ] && vlc $SOUND_FILE || echo "STILL CONNECTED"

And it works great. Since I use VLC for just about everything, it would be nice if I had a different player to run it in loop.
So since I have gnome mediaplayer already instaled. I replace vlc with gnome-mplayer and set it to loop (settings menu)
The player just keep the settings so when it's done, it loops again.

Thanks a million guys!

--- In LINUX_Newbies@yahoogroups.com, J <dreadpiratejeff@...> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:32, grantrocket2 <mars_rover@...> wrote:
> > Wow I didn't expect a response so fast.
> You caught me at a quite moment between meetings and actual work :)
> > So I tried it (copy and paste into terminal)
> > nothing
> > Then I tried sticking it in a text file (rightclick, new file, empty text file)
> > and running the file as sudo.
> > Nothing. Here's what I'm using.
> Removing MY quote markers to highlight something
> while true; do
> > [ `nmcli dev status |ttyUSB0|awk '{print $3'}` == "disconnected" ] && echo
> > sleep 60s
> > done
> You need to lose the '>' ... sorry, that's an artifact of doing
> multi-line commands in a bash shell... I didn't think to strip those
> out. Also, the comparison says simply 'ttyUSB0', not 'grep ttyUSB0'.
> Without the grep, the shell will interpret ttyUSB0 as a command name
> and error out.
> Here it is all in one line:
> while true; do [ "$(`nmcli dev status | grep ttyUSB0|awk '{print
> $3'}`)" == "disconnected" ] && echo "LOST CONNECTION" || echo "STILL
> CONNECTED"; sleep 1s; done
> (note that I changed the sleep time from 60s to 1s for expediency and
> I've cleaned the code up a little)
> and here it is on my system:
> bladernr@klaatu:~$ while true; do [ "$(`nmcli dev status | grep
> ttyUSB0|awk '{print $3'}`)" == "disconnected" ] && echo "LOST
> CONNECTION" || echo "STILL CONNECTED"; sleep 1s; done
> Note that it's saying STILL CONNECTED because it's not finding a
> ttyUSB0 on my machine, thus the AND comparison fails, so it drops to
> the OR part of the statement. The '!' that was in "LOST CONNECTION!"
> was giving my terminal fits, so I just removed it. Ultimately, that's
> all replaced with something that plays a sound anyway, right?
> And note the ';' between the statements... that lets you put multiple
> commands on a single line in the terminal (single separate commands,
> which is different from piping the output of one command into another
> using '|'.
> > I like that your script doesen't use ping to test connection.
> No need to if you're just testing that the connection is up. Testing
> that it's valid is an entirely different story. There are plenty of
> cases where you could have an active connection but no actual
> connectivity. In fact, I just had that happen... my router dropped
> it's WAN connection, but still had it's LAN running, so I could ping
> the router, but nothing beyond that.
> > So, um how do I put it into a clickable script?
> put this into a file:
> #!/bin/bash
> IFACE="eth0"
> while true; do
> [ "$(nmcli dev status | grep $IFACE|awk '{print $3'})" ==
> "disconnected" ] && echo "LOST CONNECTION" || echo "STILL CONNECTED"
> sleep $SLEEP_TIME
> done
> Change the permissions on the file to be executable:
> chmod +x /PATH/TO/FILENAME
> and I don't use mint, but if it's anything like standard Ubuntu, you
> should be able to:
> Right click on desktop
> Click Create Launcher...
> Select Application in Terminal for Type
> Enter a name for the launcher
> Click Browse, locate the script and select that.
> That should create a launcher on your desktop that you can click to
> run that opens a terminal and starts the script. At least it works
> fine on my system...
> Also note that I created two variables at the top of the script...
> there you can set the time and interface to check without changing the
> actual code below them.
> Also, this still doesnt play any sound... but it's enough to get you started..

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